*We have transitioned our food order requests to our new online store!

My Vet Store gives you the convenient option to have your food shipped directly to your front door AND have your food placed on auto reorder so you never have to think about it!
Auto Reorder also offers you discounts & promos.
You can also have your food shipped to the clinic for pick up.

These forms are to be filled out and submitted by current clients only as we need to have a relationship with you and your pet in order to prescribe any medication or prescription diets. If your pet is not currently a patient at Nelson, please contact us at 905-336-2800 so we can assist you further.  

Please fill out all the required fields in the appropriate form below to ensure we have all the correct information to refill your pet's medication.

Please allow for 72 hours for all refills and orders to be received and ready for pick up. If you need medication sooner, please call us directly.  

You will receive a phone call once medications are filled or if we have questions or concerns about the refill.


Prescription Refill Form: